Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer 2010

Just seen that my last post was in Feb! Time is zooming past!
In March we got the letters to confirm we had got our first choice on Primary Schools for the girls so were very happy! It was also quite scary to think that their future education was all set up and they had not even turned 4! The girls will start going to school 3 afternoons a week in Sept and then will start full time in January. Having had a 'taster' hour at the school and the wardrobe starting to fill up with uniform the girls are now quite excited. They still love pre-school and luckily will continue to attend each morning from Sept to Dec.

In May the girls turned 4 and had a lovely time celebrating with friends. Myself and the 2 Grandmas then took the girls to Disneyland Paris as a special Birthday treat. We had a fantastic time meeting all the characters and going on some rides.

Zak is growing up fast he is 20 months going on 4! He rushes around everywhere and climbs everything, he is a bundle of energy. He only says a few words (no being a favourite!) but knows exactly what he wants. He loves playing with his cars and trains but also loves joining in on the girls games of dressing up (yes he likes a fairy dress!), cooking and playing with soft toys.

to be cont.......

Friday, February 26, 2010

Winter 2010

Its been 3 months since my last post so thought I'd better update the site!
December was a busy month with parties for the girls and lots of Christmas festivities. We had a great time over Christmas with the Grandparents and Uncle Martin here on Christmas Day then Boxing day was spent at my Brothers.
We had a quiet New Year in with our friends Louise and Chris.
January saw the girls increasing to 4 mornings a week at pre-school which they really enjoy but do find tiring. Isabella is always saying 'oh Mum do with have to go to school AGAIN!' She absoulutely loves it when she is there especially when she gets together with her two favourite friends Fraser and Ellis! Liberty is loving school too especially doing all the artwork and dressing up.

Zak continues to do his baby gym each week which he loves, he is great at climbing, bouncing and rolling around! He has also started swimming lessons, he is really not too sure at the moment and spends most lessons clinging onto me sobbing 'mama, mama', hopefully after a few more weeks things will change.

February has seen us stuck in a lot due to the awful weather. We haven't been able to get to the park much or use the girls bikes that Santa sent. Zak is desperate to play out and stands at either the front or back door with his shoes.

The 3 are great playmates and they all follow each other round all the time. The girls play really nicely and love dressing up and role play, its lovely to listen into their little chatter is does make me chuckle. Zak understands so much now and is a real cheeky chap. He only says a couple of words but is really trying.

Lots on in March, mid March we will get a letter to let us know which Primary School the girls will go to so can't wait for that!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Zak at One!

Little man Zak turned 1 on the 14th November. He was poorly with a high temp and teething on his Birthday so cried most of the day and would only be cuddled by Mummy or Daddy :0(

We had a few of his baby friends round to play and help him celebrate. On the Sunday we headed for the park with the Grandparents and Uncle Martin to test out Zak's new red car. He loves his new car and keeps trying to climb into it at home.

He is a funny little character who makes us laugh all the time. He loves to explore and is happiest when he is emptying a cupboard! He thinks it is very funny to run off when I mention changing his nappy. Other favourite games are peekaboo, climbing the stars and grabbing me and the girls for a cuddle if we are sitting on the floor :0)

Zak is not a great eater at the mo and will either turn his head away or spit food back out. Biscuits and chocolate buttons seem to go into his mouth quite easily though!

Friday, November 06, 2009

November update, nearly 1!

Its a few months since my last post can't believe we are nearly reaching Zak's Birthday! The year has flown by.

Zak has been walking for just over a week now and is very happy that he can get around and explore. He crawled for months at fast speed and cruised around the furniture. He loves to go and hunt for Daddy in the morning and bangs on the bathroom door whilst Dan is showering!
Zak now goes to Little Ones Gym every Monday which he loves. He is happiest when he is climbing up the slides or doing forward rolls! I work for a few hours now each week and Zak is not happy when I go :0( Luckily this doesn't last too long and he has lots of fun with Grandma Chris and Grandad Michael or Grandma EJ.

Zak in his sisters pink sleeping bag!

Trick or Treat

We had a great Halloween, the girls loved dressing up and chose their outfits. We spent the day with friends, twins Marcus and Lydia who we took to Twins Group for a party. They made sparkly spiders and had their face painted. In the afternoon we went to a party at friends Annabelle and AJ's house for lots of games and party food.
Zak was dressed as a pumpkin but as you can see from the pictures he was not too happy about being dressed up!

Monday, August 17, 2009

The past month has raced past! Zak is now very much on the move, crawling everywhere at fast speed. He is also pulling himself up at everything (sofa, tables, my leg etc!). We took him to get his feet measured on Sunday and he is very proud of his first pair of 'cruiser' shoes!

On Sunday 9th August Zak was Baptised by Rev'd Bill Mullenger at St Giles Church, Farnborough. (pic above is Zak in his outfit). It was a lovely day with family and Godparents, Zak was very good and enjoyed the attention.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Zak at 8 months

Its been a great 2 months full of milestones for our little man. Our happy little chap mastered the art of sitting up very quickly.
He then cut his first two teeth and is now trying his best to move around the room.

Zak can happily get from sitting onto all fours but can't quite get the movement of the arms and legs at the same time to crawl! Zak is happiest when he is on his toes and hunts for your hands to pull up on into the standing position. We are putting him the walker a lot to save our backs!

Zak's latest tricks are clapping and waving which he is really proud of! He continues to be a real smiley boy and is a great tonic when its been a hard day!

Schools out for Summer.....

The girls have now finished their first 2 terms of pre-school. They have settled in really well and will be increasing to 3 mornings a week in September. We had lovely school reports from their key-workers and they got them both down to a 'T'!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Little big man at 6 months!

Zak is now 6 months old. He continues to be a very happy smiley easy little man. He loves people and has smiles for everyone. We are lucky that he is a great sleeper and is tucked up in bed by 7pm and sleeps through till 6.

Zak is now weaned and is eating lots of different fruit and veg, and a bit of chicken, his favourite is banana! Teeth look like they are on the way as Zak chews everything he can get his hands on and dribbles for England!

He has mastered the art of rolling from front to back and can sit up for a few seconds unaided.

Our girls at 3!

Our gorgeous girls turned 3 on Friday! They were so so excited this year realising what it was all about.
On Friday the girls went to pre-school taking cakes for all their friends. I picked them up with their new pink scooters so they could scooter home. The afternoon was then spent with Grandma Chris and Grandma EJ, we then went out to Frankie and Benny's for a birthday dinner.

On Saturday the girls had a party with their friends from pre-school and twins group, we set out lots of craft activities and had pass the parcel and musical statues.