Its been 3 months since my last post so thought I'd better update the site!
December was a busy month with parties for the girls and lots of Christmas festivities. We had a great time over Christmas with the Grandparents and Uncle Martin here on Christmas Day then Boxing day was spent at my Brothers.
We had a quiet New Year in with our friends Louise and Chris.
January saw the girls increasing to 4 mornings a week at pre-school which they really enjoy but do find tiring. Isabella is always saying 'oh Mum do with have to go to school AGAIN!' She absoulutely loves it when she is there especially when she gets together with her two favourite friends Fraser and Ellis! Liberty is loving school too especially doing all the artwork and dressing up.
Zak continues to do his baby gym each week which he loves, he is great at climbing, bouncing and rolling around! He has also started swimming lessons, he is really not too sure at the moment and spends most lessons clinging onto me sobbing 'mama, mama', hopefully after a few more weeks things will change.
February has seen us stuck in a lot due to the awful weather. We haven't been able to get to the park much or use the girls bikes that Santa sent. Zak is desperate to play out and stands at either the front or back door with his shoes.
The 3 are great playmates and they all follow each other round all the time. The girls play really nicely and love dressing up and role play, its lovely to listen into their little chatter is does make me chuckle. Zak understands so much now and is a real cheeky chap. He only says a couple of words but is really trying.
Lots on in March, mid March we will get a letter to let us know which Primary School the girls will go to so can't wait for that!