Friday, May 26, 2006

Isabella's update


This morning Mummy and Daddy came in to do our cares. Daddy washed and changed me (I made sure he had a lovely nappy to do!!). Daddy also tried to give me a bottle but I was so enjoying his cuddles that I couldn't concentrate on feeding. Daddy tube feed me and gave me more cuddles. Here are some pictures from this morning.

Liberty's update


We have had a lovely visit from Mummy and Daddy this morning and I had lovely cuddles with Daddy once Mummy had feed me.

Mummy found our that she and Daddy were told the wrong weight when I was born, I was actually a grand 3 lb 13 oz and I am now 4 lb 1 oz. Here are some pictures from this morning.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Daddy and his girls

Liberty Grace Wilson

Isabella Kate Wilson

The grand early arrival!

Thought it was about time I updated the website with the birth story!

After a busy weekend, was out dancing at a hen night on Sat 13th (!!) and was out in Canary Wharf shopping and dining on the Sunday (must of been the shock of being back near work!) my waters broke at midnight. Dan was great and got me organised with phoning the hospital and packing my bags in the car.

When we arrived at the hospital I was put on a monitor to check the twins and they were doing fine. By this time my contractions had started so they put me on a drip to try and slow down the labour so that they could get steroid injections into me to mature the babies lungs.

My labour continued to progress but I did spend a comfortable ( but sleepless) night on gas and air and an epidural.

At 11am on Monday 15th May I was fully dilated and informed that at 12.00 I would have to start pushing. I was wheeled down to Theatre just before 12 and prepared for delivery. After 1 1/2 hours pushing I was shattered and the babies were struggling to come so I had to have a forceps delivery. Isabella (who we thought was going to be Callum!!) arrived first at 13.59 followed at 14.00 by Liberty. Both girls were real fighters and did not need any oxygen and were left with us for a good hour for cuddles.

At 18.00 the girls were transferred from the Princess Royal Hospital to Queen Mary's (Sidcup) as their were no beds in special care for them at the PRU.

I was kept in overnight and discharged at mid-day on Tuesday to be reunited with our girls.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Surprise Surprise the girls have arrived!

On Monday 15th May 2006 our twins took us by surprise and arrived 7 weeks early!

Isabella Kate arrived at 13.59 weighing 4 lb 8oz closely followed by Liberty Grace at 14.10.

Will post all the details and pictures in the next few days.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

32 week Growth Scan

Yesterday we had our 32 week growth scan at the Princess Royal. All is well both babies are 4 lb's in weight, thought they were getting heavy!

The babies are head down and facing each other which the sonographer said was a very cute position!

Back in 4 weeks time to check on their progress.