Wednesday, August 22, 2007

2 Walkers

Liberty is now walking on her own too! Like Isabella was at first she is doing it when she wants to as she can get round so fast crawling. I took Liberty to Clarks today as her shoes were too small, I said to the shop assistant that she needed more cruisers and not walkers as she wasn't walking much on her own, with that she spent the whole time walking round the shop on her own :0)
Aunty Ann arrives from Tasmania tomorrow, her first visit since our Wedding 6 years ago. We are looking forward to catching up and spending some time with her before she heads off to America.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Little Ladies

Our babies have turned into real little ladies. This week they had a meal sitting at their table in the garden! They are both very independant and love to try and feed themselves with a spoon now.

We have had a great week with lots of activities to keep us busy.

On Tuesday we went to the seaside with cousins Matthew and Robert and Aunty Lisa. The girls loved it and even Liberty braved the sand (with shoes on of course!). Joss Bay was a lovely sandy beach and one I hadn't been to since a junior school visit when I was 11! (only a few years ago!!).

Twin friends Leon and Jack turned one this week and the girls had a great time at their house on Wednesday.

Today we had a lovely time with Ruth and Barney at Christmastree Farm in Downe and then played in the park. Isabella walked around the farm and park, the most she has walked so far!

Monday, August 06, 2007

First Steps! 4th August

Isabella took her first steps unaided on Saturday afternoon whilst playing in the garden! Luckily the video camera was on hand so we managed to video some of the action. Will try and figure out how to download it onto the pc.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Summer has arrived!

At last we have some sunny days!

The past few weeks have flown by and we have been quite busy. As its the school holidays most of our groups have broken up much to our dismay as we like our routine and keeping busy with activities. However we have filled the diary with meeting friends, doing things with twins group and seeing the family.

Isabella started crawling at 14 months! There is now no stopping her and it is lovely to see the two girls chasing each other round on their knees and giggling away.

We had the paddling pool out today, Isabella loved it but Liberty was not too sure. Isabella went in it a few times and once when I had wrapped her up in a towel she crawled back in when I was not looking (still in towel!).

Liberty still loves her blanket and will go and fetch it when you ask her too. She loves to have a cuddle whilst sucking her thumb and clinging onto blanket. We have to make sure blanket is with us at all times!

Another love of the girls at the moment is stairs! Liberty has mastered the art of climbing to the top of our stairs. i discovered this one day when I had forgotten to shut the stair gate and found her sitting at the top of the stairs. Wherever we go they head straight to the stairs, or even a few steps as you can see from the photo at Louise and Chris's patio.