Sunday, November 18, 2007

18 Month Update

Another 6 months have gone by at a blink of an eye! The girls are now little toddlers of 18 months. They are both saying lots of words now and understand so much.

Isabella has so much energy the only time she stops is to sleep. She runs everywhere with the biggest smile on her face! Isabella is very caring and really looks after Liberty, if Liberty is upset she will run and get her blanket for her for comfort. If they are seperated at anytime (like for swimming) when she sees Liberty she will run and give her a big hug. Bella is a real little mummy and loves babies, she will head for the baby area every week at twins club. She does have big tantrums and lately will headbutt things if she doesn't get what she wants. She is doing really well with using the toilet now so the potty training will start soon!

Liberty likes to copy what Isabella does and follows her around. She is not happy though if Isabella has what she wants and will fight for it. She knows what she likes and if she doesn't want to wear the shoes I have picked out she will stretch her feet so I can't get them on and if she doesn't want the food we put in front of her she will push it away saying bye bye! She is still a bit of a mummys girl and does like a cuddle whilst sucking her thumb and hanging onto her comfort blanket.

Pics to follow soon.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


The girls loved the fireworks this year especially seeing them all outside their bedroom window. We also went to a display at the Warren in Hayes. Both girls stood mesmorised at the fireworks lighting up the sky and just keep saying 'bang bang'.

Isabella especially loved the light wands they had there and wouldn't let it go all evening.