Sunday, July 27, 2008

Its a while since my last post! After Liberty's outbreak of chicken pox Isabella came down with it 2 weeks after :0(. Unfortunately she had it a lot worse and was quite poorly. Luckily we were back out and about 10 days later.

The girls are as lively as ever, both chatter non-stop and make us laugh with all the comments they come out with.

Isabella is dry night and day which is fantastic, we are just working on Liberty now! Liberty loves handbags and shoes at the moment and walks around all the time with a bag on her arm that contains a tiny baby doll.

The girls are very determined to do everything on their own now and want to help with everything. Looks like they will be great helpers when the baby arrives.

A day out in Downe at the park and farm with Barney.
As for Mummy I am now 24 weeks pregnant and all is going well. We haven't found out if its a brother or sister for the girls so look forward to a surprise.