Thursday, January 15, 2009

Zak update

The weeks have flown by and Zak is 11 weeks already. Thought it was about time I posted a bit more about our little man. Zak has been an easy and good, happy baby so far. He has given us lots of smiles since he was 4 weeks old and loves to have a gurgle chatter with you! He only has us up once a night and is sleeping through till 5am most nights.

The girls love Zak and are really good with him like 2 mini mummies. They love to help with bathing and nappy change and will try to comfort him if he is crying.

Mini mum Isabella with Zak in her dollies pushchair!

Isabella and Liberty update

We have reached another milestone with the girls starting pre-school last week. Can't believe how time has flown, it only seems like yesterday they were tiny little babies!

They both love pre-school, especially painting and drawing and are bringing home lots of artwork! They attend twice a week for 3 hours.

The girls do play together but fight a lot. I often hear them shouting at each other 'your not my best friend!' I am sure this friends one minute and enemy the next will continue over the years.

Isabella continues to be a little chatterbox who doesn't stop chatting all day. She makes us laugh with all the little things she says and we really have to watch what we say as she remembers everything and repeats it. The other morning when I got up I was greeted with 'Bonjour Mummy, comme ca va?' When asked who taught her french she replied 'Peppa pig Mummy'. She certainly has an excellent memory and takes everything in even if she cannot sit still for long or concentrate on one thing for long.

Liberty is becoming a lot more confident but is still the quieter one. She will sit and play on her own for ages, especially with her Peppa Pig house, dolls or Doctors set. She has some spectacular tantrums that certainly keep me on my toes.