Thursday, October 26, 2006

1 year anniversary!!

Today is a year since we found out I was pregnant! Can’t believe how quickly the year has gone and how our lives have changed.

We are loving parenthood and becoming a family.

There are many special things I love about being a mummy, the first is not having to hand the babies back!

I love the smiles we get when we peer over the girls cots in the morning, looking at them and seeing a bit of both of us in them, the baby chatter (even at 4am!) and the lovely cuddles we get with the girls. Also all the new things they do and will do in the coming months.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Liberty at 5 months

Liberty is still a little chatterbox and loves to try out lots of noises. She will baby chat to you for ages! She is also still the wriggler and loves to be on her feet. I have to hunt for her in the night in her cot as she will wriggle round to the side or to the top of her cot. She is like her mummy in that she can’t sit still for very long so we have to move her about a lot from floor to chair to lap etc.

Liberty loves to lie on the floor and look at her toys. She has a real fascination with her hands at the moment and has also discovered how to pull out her dummy but struggles to get it back in her mouth.

Liberty smiles a lot, her whole face lights up when she smiles and her eyes sparkle.

Isabella at 5 months

Isabella is enjoying her first taste of solids now as you can see from the picture.

She is a very cuddly baby and loves to snuggle up to you when she is tired. She does have her serious times and likes to check people out before treating them to her lovely gummy smile, or she is not sure the bottom lip will tremble and turn into a cry! Her favourite things are to go in her bouncy chair and pull on the toys, to go in her bouncer that hangs from the door and to try to eat anything in hand reach which is usually her clothes!

Isabella loves to go in the swimming pool and bob around with Daddy, she has now been 3 times.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A mixed week

As you can imagine with twins we can have a very mixed week. This past week has been a good one for Isabella. Isabella now weighs a very healthy 14 lb 14 and is coming on well. She has even overtaken some of the other babies in her group who were full term and a lot bigger than her at birth.

Isabella has had her first tastes of solids! She started off at the end of last week on baby rice, then progressed to baby rice mixed with carrot and at the moment we are on plain carrot. She loves food kicks with delight when I am feeding her and cries when it has all gone!

Liberty seems to have some teeth on the way so has been unhappy this past week. No teeth showing as yet but lots of signs to show it won't be long. On a positive note she now weighs 12 lb 12 and is a real chatterbox.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Our First Holiday!

On the 23rd September we went on our first holiday!! Mummy, Daddy and Grandma and Grandad Dayman took us to Brittany in France. We stayed in a lovely Gite run by a lovely English lady Caroline. We went on the Eurotunnel and then drove through France, we were really good girls and slept most of the journey.

Mummy had a lovely holiday as she said it was lovely to get lots of help and the Gite was so well equiped for families.

Daddy loved to be able to play some golf and sample some lovely wine!

Grandma and Grandad loved spending time with us, Grandad pushed us round in our pushchair all week, he must have big muscles now!

Here are some pictures of our adventure.

PS we even started sleeping through the night without needing a feed whilst we were away (we shouted out a few times though for our dum dums!)

View this video montage created at One True Media
Our First Family Holiday