Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A mixed week

As you can imagine with twins we can have a very mixed week. This past week has been a good one for Isabella. Isabella now weighs a very healthy 14 lb 14 and is coming on well. She has even overtaken some of the other babies in her group who were full term and a lot bigger than her at birth.

Isabella has had her first tastes of solids! She started off at the end of last week on baby rice, then progressed to baby rice mixed with carrot and at the moment we are on plain carrot. She loves food kicks with delight when I am feeding her and cries when it has all gone!

Liberty seems to have some teeth on the way so has been unhappy this past week. No teeth showing as yet but lots of signs to show it won't be long. On a positive note she now weighs 12 lb 12 and is a real chatterbox.


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