Monday, December 04, 2006

Hospital check up

Liberty and Isabella had their check-up at Hospital last week. I am pleased to report all is well and the Registrar was very pleased with the girls development and growth. A lot of people have commented on Isabella's noisy breathing, this has been diagnosed as Laryngomalacia, or floppy larynx syndrome, we are told this will improve itself by the time she is around a year old and is nothing to worry about.

Liberty has been prescribed Gaviscon to put in her milk to help prevent her being sick after every feed.

Isabella is not far off sitting up on her own, she sits for a while but then she topples to one side or forward. She now likes standing and gives us a big gummy smile and sticks her bottom out!

Liberty has started copying us, her latest new trick it to blow raspberries (I teach her useful things!!). She sits there for ages practicing, even with a mouthful of food which she finds even funnier!


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